Thanks for stopping by. I am so glad you are here! Meet the Jaggi family. You may recognize Andrew from my previous post where I shot his senior session. I’m excited that I also got to shoot Nicole, Jason and their other son Ben. I met Nicole and Jason back in my college days. Nicole and I were sorority sisters and our rooms were across the hall from each other. Nicole and Jason met their senior year of high school and have now been together 28 years and married for 23 years. I love the life they created with each other. Their boys are pretty cool too.
So here’s some get to know you’s about the Jaggi’s. Nicole is a librarian and loves Harry Potter. She also enjoys watching movies and the Broadway show Hamilton. She loves trivia nights which I’m sure she rocks! Jason loves maps and geography as well as the beach. Andrew is a senior at Fort Zumwalt West where he plays the trombone in the band and is quite the bowler. It was so nice meeting Ben too. He loves to fish and is a tinkerer. He’s great at fixing things and figuring out how things work. He might have engineering in his future. Nicole said the boys are good friends and they share a love of music and laughing at their parents. I also learned that they are chicken connoisseurs and have every chicken place ranked and graded in the local area. If you live in O’Fallon, MO they say Chuck’s Hot Chicken is the absolute best in quality and flavor. They did warn about the level six heat level though. it is definitely eat at your own risk. The workers even wear special gloves cause it’s so hot and you will need lots and lots of milk to get through it. Me, I’m more of a level one spice kind of gal.
We did a quick mini family session to get a few family shots in. Nicole said they have not taken family pics in forever and wanted some before Andrew left the nest for college. I think we got some great shots of them as well as just her and Jason. I love to capture just moms and dads at family sessions. It’s one of my fav things!
Enjoy a few snip-its from their family mini session.

Sunday Funday | O’Fallon MO Family Photographer
October 21, 2021