You know the old saying Rain, Rain Go Away Come Back Another Day… Well Keri and I were chanting this as our mantra for the day. It was supposed to rain at any minute, chance for tornados the following day and her boys came back from college for family pics. Did I mention they go to school in Arkansas so not an easy reschedule?! It rained on me on my way towards the session and the sky looked terrible. Luckily it did not rain on us but the sky was less than thrilling. See I am a lover of golden light and love crazy sun in my sessions. I felt so bad for Keri because there was no sun except for literally one second it peeked out then went away. I think if you blinked you would miss it. Keri and her family magically made a dramatic sky very cool and I actually dig it. Keri was a good sport about the ever so dramatic and gloomy sky and she said just roll with it… so we did. Seriously I do love how they turned out.
You might remember Ethan and Jack from their senior session I did for them before they graduated this past year. Still love how sweet Jack is and how edgy Ethan is. I told Keri I could shot Ethan all day. He is a natural in front of the camera. She laughed and said he has never met a camera that he did not like. It is so fun to see how different Jack and Ethan are! They are both loving the college life.
I was thrilled to have the super gorgeous Lilly in front of my camera too. I love how Lilly is strong willed and marches to the beat of her own drum. She’s passionate and follows her heart. She also has an edgy but 90’s vibe. She’s really a cool kid! Lilly and my daughter Addie dance together. They are even duet partners. Last year they did the most amazing musical theater number that the judges just loved. They definitely played their part well so if you saw them you probably loved “Jenny and Sarah.”
I know I talked a lot about Keri on the boy’s senior posts but it is worth repeating. She is the most kind and selfless person I know. She is there when you need a hand and would give you the shirt off her back. She is always up for a good time and knows how to make you laugh. She is the perfect friend and the most wonderful human! I am so fortunate to know her. She is also so sweet to my Addie and loves her for her. I also love her sweetie Michael. Like Keri, he is amazing, kind and so generous. He has a collection of fun T-shirts too that always lead to a good laugh. You can see how much he loves Keri and her children and you can see how much they adore him too!
Last but not least there is Rosie. I totally feel Rosie is my spirit animal. She is me if I were in dog form. From the rolls to panting from just walking…. Oh girl I know! I feel she is a bit clumsy which I can also relate too!
Thank you Keri and Michael for trusting me to capture your family. I wish I could have posted your whole session. I just love you guys! But for now, enjoy a few snapshots from their family session!

Rain, Rain Go Away | St. Charles Family Photographer
November 3, 2021